Succes stories
With our customised archive solutions, we have been able to write numerous success stories to date. With a selection of these we would like to give you an insight into our diverse archive services and our industry solutions and inspire you.
600 years of building history of the Bern Cathedral preserved for posterity
- Bern Minster is the landmark of the old town of Bern and part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site
- As Piql's exclusive partner in Switzerland, archivsuisse was able to help the Bern Minster Foundation with its need for a long-term solution in the area of data archiving.
- With the help of the innovative solution for the long-term storage of digital data, important building documentation on the Bern Minster can be preserved for centuries.
Indexing and digitisation of contracts
- Swissgrid AG is responsible for the operation, safety and expansion of the Swiss extra-high voltage grid. The national grid company took over ownership of the transmission grid (380/220 kV) on 3 January 2013.
- Swissgrid manages all the easement agreements that were concluded during the construction of the transmission network. New ones are being added.
- Swissgrid has taken over these contracts from the former transmission system operators. In the interests of modern easement management, the contents had to be indexed and digitised.
- Swissgrid has commissioned archivsuisse to carry out these first steps towards establishing an easement management system.
Preparation of paper files for delivery to the Federal Archives
- On behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), archivsuisse is preparing around 200 linear metres of documents from the Health and Accident Insurance Directorate for delivery to the Federal Archives.
- The organisation, structure and order of the existing filing system is being analysed and the allocation of holdings is being determined in consultation with the Federal Archives.
- After completion of the project, the individual files are packaged for long-term archiving in accordance with the specifications of the Federal Archives, all necessary metadata are recorded in the archiving software and handed over to the Federal Archives for storage.
External archival support
- Since 2011, archivsuisse has been managing the central archive of BKW Energie AG at its headquarters and later also the decentralised archive of the Mühleberg nuclear power plant on behalf of BKW.
- The procedures and processes of the central archive were optimised and professionalised in collaboration with the responsible departments at BKW.
- Two employees ensure the daily operation of the archive. They ensure that enquiries are answered, loans are processed, and returns are taken back.
- The team also takes over new files, indexes them and integrates them into the collections.
Archiving + "scanning on demand" of medical records
- For many doctors - including Dr. med. Kuno Bigger, for example - the topic of digitising medical records (KG) is currently becoming or has become topical.
- In addition to the selection of a suitable practice information system, the conversion usually requires a clean and efficient solution for the digitisation of the still existing physical medical records.
- In most cases, it does not make sense to digitise all physical medical records "in stock".
- Dr. med. Kuno Bigger has already switched to the electronic management of KG and has opted for the "scanning on demand" variant from archivsuisse.
- The industry solution "medical history archive" or KG-archivsuisse is operated by archivsuisse in collaboration with FMH Services and the cantonal doctors.
Digitisation of real estate dossiers
- Primeo Energie is a company that develops energy solutions for private and business customers, energy supply companies, cities and municipalities.
- In 2016, Primeo Energie, together with UBS Clean Energy Infrastructure Switzerland and Städtischer Betrieb Olten, took over the majority of shares in Aare Versorgungs AG and henceforth managed its operations.
- During this takeover, it became necessary to integrate around 14,500 property files of the acquired company into Primeo Energie's property management system (SharePoint) by means of digitalisation.
- In 2018, Primeo Energie commissioned archivsuisse to digitise the corresponding property files and harmonise the indexing data.
Analysis of the archive situation, takeover and management of the physical archives
- archivsuisse was allowed to analyze the overall situation of the physical archive of the Migros Aare Cooperative (GMAA)
- Following the GMAA's decision to externalize its physical archives, archivsuisse was commissioned to take over all physical archive holdings
- Since the end of 2020, archivsuisse has been managing the GMAA's physical archives in accordance with jointly defined processes - from file transfer, through indexing and file delivery/digitization, to secure destruction.
Legally secure archiving of digital documents of a company in liquidation
- Companies in liquidation are obliged to continue to keep business-relevant documents and to keep them available.
- archivsuisse was able to offer the company not named for data protection reasons a tailor-made solution for such a use case in the form of piqlFilm.
- piqlFilm - sustainable, cost-effective and audit-proof.