Corporate responsibility

archivsuisse wants to guarantee the greatest possible information security for its customers with comprehensive archiving services and to continuously improve in the area of information security.

Our principles

  • We guarantee our clients that their data and files are stored with us securely, confidentially and with integrity and remain available.
  • We regularly sensitise our employees and partners to the issue of information security.
  • We learn and pass on our knowledge internally and cultivate a positive error culture.

Wherever our business activities have an impact on our business partners, society, the environment or employees, we take responsibility.

We are committed to Switzerland as a location and work with our long-standing, tested local partners. We attach great importance to ensuring that our services and products are based on services and materials that come from local or regional partners wherever possible.

We treat the environment with care and respect and ensure that our technology is always in line with the latest trends. We also pay attention to our energy needs and strive to reduce them continuously.